Can flat shoes cause sciatica? Can sciatica be treated by wearing right shoes? These questions have been around for a while now. With the help of physicians and the experiences of many people from online health portals, we’ve tried to come up with the correct answer.
Sadly, the answer is yes. Flat shoes do harm to your health and can work as a culprit behind causing sciatica.
Shoes influence the way we walk and carry ourselves. This can cause back and lower back pain, which in turn causes sciatica pain as our feet endure the entire body weight. For years, we heard that high-heeled shoes are bad for our flat feet and can cause sciatica.
But the burning question is, are flat shoes recommended for sciatica? In this article, we would like to shed light on this matter.
What is Sciatica?
Before discerning how flat shoes can account for sciatica, you must have a deeper understanding of what Sciatica is and when it takes place. Sciatica nerve pain occurs when the sciatica nerve becomes excessively stressed.
Oftentimes, it leads to excruciating pain in the leg, unbearable numbness, and a burning sensation. The lower back pain originates in the lower body and gets more pronounced when you have bad posture and the constant impact of your feet hitting the floor on a regular basis.
The sciatic nerve is considered the longest and thickest (almost a finger-width) nerve in the body. It consists of five nerve roots, whereby two are located in the lower back, called the lumbar spine, and three are located in the last section of the spine, known as the sacrum.
Right and left sciatic nerves are made up of five nerve roots. Each sciatic nerve runs through the hips, buttocks, and ends up in the leg just underneath the knee on each side of the body. A branch of the sciatic nerve then travels down your leg and into your foot and toes.
Symptoms of Sciatica
Knowing the symptoms of sciatica can help you determine whether you have the issue or not. Here they go:
- Pain in the buttocks or the leg
- Back pain that extends all the way down the foot.
- Pinching sensation, burning in the legs, numbness, and numbness in the fingers.
- Too much pain in one leg makes standing up or walking extra difficult.
- Painful toes.
- Pain in the lower back.
Can Flat Shoes Cause Sciatica?
The research and some physicians indicate that flat shoes are 25% more likely to cause sciatica than high heels. Comes as a surprise to you? Let me explain why!
Most flat types of shoes are manufactured of thin materials and have lower arch supports. Our feet suffer from rational strain when we walk with them, which eventually reaches our lower backs.
Continuous pressure may put pressure on two areas simultaneously. One of which is the piriformis muscle placed in your buttock where the sciatica nerve exists.
Postural imbalances cause these muscles to tighten or squeeze, putting enormous pressure on the sciatic nerve. Another area is the lower back joints and discs. A long-term process of this sort can cause considerable stress on lower back joints and discs.
As a result, they degenerate and put pressure on the sciatic nerve, causing it to deteriorate. If the heels of the shoes are worn out, it is wise to throw them away.
Instead, it would be a better idea to invest in good Running Shoes for Sciatica.
How Can I Get Rid of Sciatica Fast?
If you’re struggling with extreme sciatica pain, trust me you’re not the only one. It is a painful condition that flares up quickly, but once you understand what it is and what you can do to manage it, you will be on your way to recovery.
A treatment program for sciatica aims to reduce foot pain and increase mobility. Many cases of sciatica go away over time when self-care remedies are applied.
It takes approximately two to four weeks for sciatic nerve pain to ease and eventually disappear. However, this is not what you want to hear when you’re having a real hard time with the debilitating pain! Good news is, you can try some easy remedies at home to get fast relief from your symptoms.
Below are five ideas you might want to try today:
1. Pressure Relief Cushion
Even though it’s recommended that you stay active, it is equally important to rest the right way as well. A back support cushion can come to the rescue for those who are struggling with back pain.
This cushion allows for the proper distribution of weight. Keep a cushion near you so that you can relax no matter where you are. Also, be sure it’s lightweight enough to be carried anywhere.
2. Gentle Exercise
Keeping your body moving is also extremely beneficial. You can carry on with your normal activities as best you can. As soon as you experience symptoms, you should start doing gentle exercises and stretches.
Even simple exercises and stretches for sciatica can make a major difference to ease your pain.
3. Heat Packs
There’s a reason why this is a common treatment! Simply put, When you apply a heat pack to your affected area, you will find that your pain is immediately quelled. The warmth will stimulate your sensory receptors, and you will notice that your pain eases almost instantly. Having this fast, cost-effective option readily available at home is always a good idea.
4. Massage
Massage can also relieve pain caused by a sciatic nerve. Massage is primarily beneficial for relaxing tense muscles. A tense muscle will put more pressure on your sciatic nerve, as well as other nerves in your body. The relaxation of these tense muscles can help to relieve pressure on your sciatic nerve.
A variety of types of massage therapy is available around you, whether you prefer to try it yourself or seek the assistance of a trained therapist. Identify a technique that is effective for you and incorporate massage into your routine the moment you begin experiencing sciatica pain.
5. Pain Medication
Safe pain relief options are available to ease your pain, so there’s no need to suffer. For trusted recommendations, speak with your pharmacist if paracetamol isn’t doing what is necessary.
We also suggest that you consult with your GP if your sciatica pain worsens. They may recommend you to take physiotherapy or psychological support in order to help you better cope with the pain.
Bottom Line
In order to keep sciatic pain at bay, avoid wearing flat shoes if you have overpronated feet. The spine and overall health are compromised by flat shoes for sciatica pain.
Every time you walk in flat footwear, you will experience unusual shocks traveling up to your knee, hip, and lower back. Hope that your long-held question can flat shoes cause sciatica, has been properly addressed and put a solution to it.
However, consult a doctor as soon as you feel something wrong in your lower back, knees, ankles, or foot.
Remember, you might cause serious health problems in the long run if the issue goes unattended.
Hi I wasn’t aware that flat shoes are bad for siatica I wear flat Nike slippers everyday and I have siatica . And it’s so disabilating and so painful.