Is Running on Concrete Bad? [You Should Know]

Finding a grassy field to run on can be difficult at times, especially depending on where you live. If you are planning to run from tomorrow, you’ll find several options, concrete being the most common one. And, a question arises in such a situation: is running on concrete bad? Can it cause issues down the line?

Yes, running on concrete can be bad for your health. Well, if you have no options left, you can run on a concrete surface, but with proper running shoes that compensate for the hard surface.

While concrete as the surface for running is not the best option for you, recent researches show light to this issue. You can run on concrete by taking full precautions.

We’ll discuss the ups and downs of running on concrete surfaces and how you can avoid bad impacts.

Is Running On Concrete Bad?

Concrete is a product from crushed rocks and paves. Rock is one of the hardest particles available in nature. You just cannot expect the softness or support from concrete. There is a simple theory of physics that supports the opinion to avoid concrete as a running surface.

is Running On Concrete Bad

Whatever energy you put on an impactful surface; it will reciprocate equally. In the case of, concrete, the surface is hard. Rather than absorbing, the reciprocated energy affects different points. Knees get hurt if the shoes are inappropriate. Yes, choosing the right shoes is the key to eliminating all the issues with running on concrete.

If you have no other option but to run on concrete, get yourself the right  Shoes for Running Concrete Floor. The characteristic of these shoes is to keep you safe by absorbing the returned energy from the concrete surface with extremely soft cushioning.

Once you put on the cushioned running shoe and follow the basic rules of running on flat ground, concrete will turn into an equivalent option of a synthetic running track.

What Is the Best Surface to Run On to Avoid Getting Injured?

Running is not everything to get a good health. You need to know the surface, choose the right shoes, and apply the appropriate angle to get the best benefit for running. Well, several options are competing for being the best surface to run on.

Best Surface to Run On to Avoid Getting Injured

If you’re concerned about injury, muscle pain, or compartment syndrome, it is best to choose soft and grassy ground. The trick to choose the surface for running is pretty simple.

Compare surfaces

The trick is to run on a surface that is clean, flat, and absorbs most of the energy that you are putting in during the run. Now, we can make a fair comparison between sand, grass, concrete, asphalt, and treadmill. These are the easily available options for urban people, right?

Sand is friendly

Sand comes at first. If you’re living nearby a river or beach, consider yourself lucky! Sand absorbs the least energy. It gives proper support to your calf muscle and knee joints when you are jogging or running. This is undoubtedly a friendly surface to run. A sandy surface generally is not equipped with potholes or similar objects.

Grass has underlying danger

A grassy surface has the risk of holes and pebbles. These can hurt your feet. Also, you cannot run on the grassy uneven surfaces during rain or snow. This is a healthy surface yet there are some complexions.

Concrete isn’t that good

Concrete is the hardest surface on the list. The surface is made from crushed rock. If you’re unaware of the right footwear for concrete surface and the angle is not right, it is imminent to get hurt yourself. So, the only way to keep yourself safe is to get the right running shoes that absorb the impact from concrete.

Asphalt is better

Asphalt is a comparatively easy to find softer surface than concrete and sand. If the sidewalk is clean and there is no risk of bothering others while jogging, asphalt will remain the best option for you. The surface is going to support your feet. You might need to wear orthotics for avoiding tendon injuries.

What about going mechanical?

A treadmill is a homely device to run. Though it is ideal for running and other cardiovascular exercises, you’ll miss the fresh air. A faulty treadmill can also injure the ligament and compartments. A major reason for compartment syndrome is running on the treadmill in the wrong position.

So, what the comparison says? Of course, sand is the safest surface to run on to avoid injuries. When you are out of this option, make a run on the concrete floor after putting on the right shoe and orthotics. That’ll save your joints and knees from injuries. Sidewalks made of asphalt are also good. The grassy ground is not the best surface because of holes, pebbles, and sharp pieces. Your feet might get hurt.

Is It Better to Run On Grass or Concrete?

Grass surface to run is always a healthy choice for running if you’re sure of its regular maintenance. You’ll feel muscle pain and strain while running on terrain grassy ground. Except for some well-maintained fields, the majority of grass and harder surfaces are injurious to health.

An Olympic participant from the USA, Roberto Mandje advised, “Run on softer grounds if there is a cramping or knee pain.” But, in his advice, he suggested running wherever possible and make it a daily part of life. He emphasized the use of cushioned shoes and socks for running without any risk of injury.

On the contrary, concrete is available everywhere. The right pair of shoes will be sufficient to make a concrete floor compatible for running. Most of the concrete places are clean and you’ll not have to face the challenge of hurting yourself from the ground’s particles. The shoe will absorb the reciprocated energy.

Concrete is a better ground to run on than grass only when you’re wearing the most compatible running shoes for the ground.

Bottom Line

There you have it, the right answer to your query is running on concrete bad or not! The overall idea is, if you don’t have another place to run on in your neighborhood, make sure you have the right setup (shoes and proper stride) to run on concrete surfaces.

Put on the shoe that has good cushioning and foaming, and pack yourself with the right knowledge to stay safe. Run on the ground without any injury and be sure to check your gear from time to time.

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